Release: Vermont Receives $536,400 for Energy Efficient Appliance Rebates

December 2 – Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep.
Peter Welch (D-Vt.) today announced that Vermont’s Energy Efficient Appliance
Rebate Program will receive an additional $536,400 from the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE).

Funded by the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act, the program provides rebates to consumers replacing used
appliances with new Energy Star-certified appliances. Vermont’s program, which
will be administered by the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation through the
Department of Public Service, is scheduled to begin in March.

“This funding will help Vermonters
reduce their energy bills by encouraging the use of more energy efficient
appliances. It will help Vermont families save money, provide a boost to the
economy and help the environment,” said Sens. Leahy and Sanders and Rep. Welch.

The DOE awarded 10 percent of
states’ Energy Star appliance rebate funding prior to the end of 2009, with the
balance to be delivered following approval of each state’s application and
program plan. Today, the DOE is awarding the remaining 90 percent to seven
states, including Vermont. More information from the DOE on the Energy
Efficient Appliance Rebate Program can be found here.