Sanders Initiative to Cut Pentagon by 10% Secures Half of the Senate Democratic Caucus

WASHINGTON, July 22 – Today, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to cut America’s $740 billion military budget by 10% to invest in jobs, health care, and education secured the support of 23 members of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

“Today, almost half of the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus—23 Senators—voted to cut Pentagon spending by 10% and invest in human needs. This is far and away the most significant step forward in recent years in addressing our bloated $740 billion military budget and changing our national priorities,” said Sanders. “We are going to continue building a political movement which understands that it is far more important to invest in working people, the children, the elderly, and the poor than in spending more on defense than the next 11 nations combined.”

Sanders’ amendment was cosponsored by Sens. Markey and Warren (D-Mass.), Merkley and Wyden (D-Ore.), and was endorsed by Senate Democratic Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.). In addition to the Senate vote, 93 members of the House of Representatives—40% of the Democratic Caucus—voted on a companion amendment introduced by Representatives Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).

View Sanders’ floor speech here.