Sanders: Republican Attempts to Overturn Election “Pathetic”

BURLINGTON, January 2 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement regarding Republican attempts to overturn the results of the November elections:

“The outcome of the 2020 election is not in doubt. Let’s be clear: Joe Biden resoundingly won the popular vote by more than 7 million votes, and he won an Electoral College margin that Trump called a ‘landslide’ in 2016. On January 6, the House and Senate will ratify the results of the Electoral College, as has been done for 231 years.

“From the beginning of his campaign for president, Donald Trump has shown a profound disrespect for the institutions of democracy. It is pathetic that 13 of my colleagues in the Senate and 140 members of the House of Representatives are now demonstrating a similar disdain for the American people by engaging in a dead-end, unconstitutional effort to overturn the will of voters.

“Every state, including those with Republican Governors, Secretaries of State and legislatures have certified the results of this election.

“In the two months since the election, more than 80 judges, including some who were appointed by the President, have rejected Donald Trump and his allies’ attempts to overturn the election. There are no cases pending that will have any impact on the results. There have been numerous recounts, audits and verifications, including in the most closely contested states. Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security even called this ‘the most secure election in American history.’

“What all of this comes down to is that Donald Trump and right wing extremists are refusing to accept the will of the people and the fact that Trump lost the election.  In their contempt for democracy, they are using lies and conspiracy theories about ‘voter fraud’ in an attempt to overturn the election results.

“It will not work. Joe Biden will be President at noon on January 20. This spectacle by Republican lawmakers only demonstrates their disdain for voters, democracy and the will of the American people.”