Sanders Statement on CBO Score of Affordable Care Act Repeal

WASHINGTON, July 19 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement Wednesday after an updated analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office showed that Senate Republicans’ proposal to repeal much of the Affordable Care Act without a replacement would leave 32 million more Americans without health insurance over the next decade:

“The CBO report that just came out analyzing the repeal of the Affordable Care Act makes it clear that this would be a total disaster for the American people.

“CBO has estimated that if this plan were to go into effect 32 million people would lose their health insurance over the next decade, including 17 million who would lose their health insurance next year alone. Average premiums would increase by 25 percent next year and would almost double over the next decade. Medicaid would be cut by $842 billion over the next decade throwing 19 million Americans off of this program. Planned Parenthood would be defunded. And the top 2 percent and big health care corporations would get nearly $500 billion in tax breaks.

“Our job is to guarantee health care to all, not create a situation where 60 million Americans would have no health insurance. This bill is beyond pathetic. No member of the United States Senate should vote for it.”