Sanders Statement on Comey Hearing

WASHINGTON, June 8 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement Thursday after James Comey, the former FBI director, told the Senate Intelligence Committee he was fired by President Donald Trump over an investigation into Russian interference in last year’s presidential election:

What we learned today was deeply troubling and makes me more concerned than ever about President Trump’s attempts to derail an investigation of Russian meddling in our democracy.

“Remarkably, Mr. Comey said President Trump is a liar. He said his concern that Trump would lie about their meetings was why he detailed their encounters in writing. He also accused the president of spreading ‘lies, plain and simple’ about the FBI that ‘defamed’ Comey and the agency.

“The White House said Trump ‘is not a liar.’

“Unfortunately, most people would agree with Mr. Comey. On issue after issue after issue, Trump has blatantly lied. Dangerously, this diminishes the office of the president and our standing in the world.”