Sanders Statement on Iran Sanctions Resolution

WASHINGTON, June 7 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement after voting against a resolution that would impose new sanctions on Iran:

“I am strongly supportive of adding sanctions against Russia to this bill. As we now know, Russia actively worked to influence our 2016 presidential election and continues to try and destabilize democracies around the world, including ours. 

“But I also have serious concerns about the sanctions on Iran contained in this bill. As we have heard from former Obama administration officials, some of these measures could undermine the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the very important nuclear agreement signed in 2015 between the US, our partners, and Iran. 

“Let me be clear: We need to find ways to push back against Iran’s provocative and destructive behavior in the region. But threatening the JCPOA is not the way to do it. I also believe it’s inappropriate to advance this bill on the same day when Iran has suffered a terrorist attack on its capitol, in which twelve Iranians were killed.”