Sanders Statement on Tar Sands Pipeline

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 – Sen. Bernie Sanders(I-Vt.) issued the following statement after learning that the State Department would delay a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline:

“The tar sands pipeline project would be a disaster for global warming, the environment and the American economy.

“I appreciated the recent decision by the inspector general to conduct a special review into possible conflicts of interest in the State Department’s handling of an environmental impact study. Clearly no final decision should be made until that review is completed and the findings are made public.

“I welcome today’s announcement that the State Department has decided to delay a decision on this project in order to further review its potential impacts.

“I strongly believe that the more the American people learn about this project, the more they will understand that it would be disastrous for our environment and for our economy.  They will want the president to keep his promise that the United States will lead the world in combating global warming by rejecting this pipeline.”