Sanders Statement on Trump Revealing Classified Information to Russians

WASHINGTON, May 15 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released the following statement Monday after The Washington Post reported that President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week:

“President Trump, in a reckless and dangerous manner, has revealed highly classified information to the Russians at a meeting in the Oval Office, information that could expose extremely important sources and methods of intelligence gathering in the fight against ISIS. Further, this could endanger intelligence sharing with a key ally in the Middle East. Protecting our national security is one of the most important tasks a president has, and Trump is failing at it. This new disclosure comes one week after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who was in the midst of an investigation of possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government in the recent election. All of this makes it vitally important that Trump make public any recordings he has of conversations in the Oval Office. We also need to proceed as soon as possible with the appointment of a special prosecutor.”