Sanders Statement on Vermont National Guard Deployment

BURLINGTON, Vt., June 14 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement about Thursday’s deployment by the Vermont National Guard.

“I wish all the best to the men and women of Charlie Company as they begin their deployment today. As an air ambulance unit, they have the critical mission of putting their own lives on the line to save others. They leave behind family members, friends and coworkers who will miss them and who will carry a heavier load in their absence. As Vermonters, we must come together to lighten that load, not just through kind offers, but through real action: cooking a meal, mowing a lawn, checking in on an aging parent or taking a child out for ice cream. I am proud to know that the Vermont Guard Outreach Program staff stand at the ready in every corner of our state to make sure our Guard families have everything they need before, during and after deployments like this one.”