Sanders: Trump’s Ignorance on Climate Change is Threatening the Lives of our Children and Future Generations

Washington, July 19 – As an unprecedented heatwave threatened 195 million Americans today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) condemned President Trump’s denial of climate change, which is responsible for longer, more frequent, and more intense heatwaves across the planet:
“Donald Trump’s ignorance regarding the climate change emergency is threatening the very lives of our children and future generations. The past five years together represent the warmest years ever recorded.  This June has been the hottest June on record, and July will likely be the hottest July on record. In the last several years—in Europe, Australia, Africa, India, and the United States—there have been terrible heatwaves resulting in thousands of deaths.
“For the sake of future generations and the fate of our entire planet, we must stand up to Trump and the fossil fuel industry and transform our economy away from fossil fuels toward energy efficiency and sustainable energy. We need a president who helps lead the world in a new energy direction, not one who protects fossil fuel profits.”