In a very divided Congress, where it is extremely difficult to get anything done, I wanted to give you some good news about progress being made on health care reform. Will this legislation solve all of the crises in our health care system? Absolutely not. But it will take us a major step forward in increasing access and lowering costs. I intend to do all that I can to see that it is passed.
FLOOD RECOVERY UPDATE: Important Deadlines for Federal Assistance
It is hard to believe that it has now been two months since this summer’s terrible flooding devastated communities across our state. As we continue the difficult and too often heartbreaking work of recovery and rebuilding, I wanted to share some good news with you, as well as some important updates.
Let Us Support the Arts in Schools and Across Vermont
To my mind, and I think most Vermonters would agree, art is more than just entertainment. It is more than just a painting here, a performance there. Great art, in whatever form, can truly help us understand who we are as human beings, as a community, and as a society. Art can be a gateway to the soul and is absolutely essential as we work to create and sustain a more just and humane society.
Vermont’s Newest Soccer Team
Earlier this summer, the Bernie Buzz was able to go to UVM’s Virtue Field and hear from the founders and players about the team, their story, and their effort to combat climate change and advance environmental justice. I hope you will take a moment to watch the video above to learn more. Congratulations to Vermont Green FC for their great work on and off the field.
Meeting with Vermont Seniors
I always enjoy meeting with Vermont seniors. Pre-COVID, we used to do that on a pretty regular basis. Recently, we were able to pick up where we left off with wonderful senior town meetings in Bennington, Rutland, Brattleboro, Barre, and Burlington
Climate Change is a Threat to Our Communities, Our State, and Our Planet. We must address it.
While the path forward to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future will not be easy, and mistakes will certainly be made, the choice we face is pretty clear. Either we maintain the status quo and continue to see more drought, floods and extreme weather disturbances or we move away from fossil fuels and do our best to make sure that the planet we leave our kids and future generations is healthy and habitable. Frankly. That’s not much of a choice. That’s our moral responsibility.