Getting Through Tax Season
Over the last two years, my office has seen a drastic increase in calls from Vermonters who need help with the IRS. With tax season here again, I want to share some tips ahead of the April 18, 2022 filing deadline.
Join Me for a Virtual Town Meeting with Vermont Firefighters and EMS — THIS Saturday, 10:30 A.M.
Dear Vermonters:
Please join me, and special guest U.S. Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, tomorrow at 10:30 A.M. for a virtual town meeting to discuss the crisis facing Vermont fire departments. We will be hearing from Vermont firefighters and EMS providers about the challenges they face and how the federal, state, and local government can support their invaluable service to Vermont communities.
Supporting Our Firefighters and EMS First Responders
Rural communities in Vermont and across the country face a number of challenges. One of them, which does not get a lot of attention, is the enormously important role that volunteer fire departments play in their communities and the struggles many of them currently have in retaining their membership and attracting new recruits.
Q&A With a Vermont Maple Sugarmaker
The tradition of maple sugaring runs deep in Vermont in the land and our people. From small sugarshacks tucked into backyard woods to larger more commercial operations that help make Vermont the number one producer of maple syrup in the country, sugaring remains a key part of our economy, identity, and heritage. Maple sugaring in Vermont is often a family-owned, multigenerational affair.
Rapid Tests and N95 Masks for Every Vermonter
As you read this, the number of COVID cases in Vermont are reaching levels far greater than at any point in the crisis. Today, I am writing to you with some news that should be of help as we fight this terrible pandemic.
Do You Know a Health Care Worker Who Needs Help with Student Loans?
The bad news is that as a result of the pandemic our doctors, nurses and other health care providers are under enormous stress. The good news is that, because of an historic investment in the American Rescue Plan, help is on the way for many. Today, health care workers in Vermont can apply now to participate in the National Health Service Corps and receive student loan repayment by working at specific health care facilities throughout our state that provide care for underserved populations.