Wishing Everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year
Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a healthy and happy new year. I also want to take a moment to review some of the major actions that took place in Washington over the last year, and how they will impact Vermont.
We Must Solve Vermont’s Nursing Crisis
Like almost every state in this country Vermont has faced a nursing shortage for many, many years. That shortage has been significantly exacerbated by the pandemic, and we now face a crisis situation.
Meet Vermont Olympian and Dairy Farmer, Elle Purrier St. Pierre
No one can deny that these are really challenging times: COVID, climate change, inflation, attacks on American democracy and economic uncertainty for millions. So here’s some good news. Way up in the northern part of our state, in a small town near the Canadian border, Vermont is the home of one of the most outstanding athletes in the country.
Join Me and AARP for a Virtual Town Meeting — Wednesday, 4:00 P.M.
Join me this Wednesday, December 15th at 4:00 P.M. for a tele-town hall, hosted by AARP-Vermont. One of my favorite things to do each year is host senior holiday meals across the state to celebrate the season, eat good food, and hear from you about what’s on your mind. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19, we cannot safely host these events this year. And while I look forward to the day when we can gather together in person again soon, I’m glad to be joining AARP-Vermont to hear directly from older Vermonters in a virtual setting.
What You Need to Know to Keep Yourself, Friends, and Family Safe
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of discussion over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron. The new strain was labeled a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization, and more information is coming out all the time. As we wait for scientists to give us more information, I want to make sure all Vermonters are aware of the vaccine and testing resources in our state.
News From Vermont and Washington D.C.
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act. Now it comes to the Senate where I hope to see it strengthened in a number of ways. The Senate has an opportunity to make this a truly historic piece of legislation by listening to the demands of the American people.