Today, and Every Day, We Honor Our Veterans
I participated in a wonderful Veterans Day event today in St. Albans. I had the honor of sitting next to Bob Coon, an American hero who fought in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. As I said to the Vermonters gathered today in St. Albans, we owe our veterans a tremendous debt of gratitude, one which we will never truly be able to repay.
What You Need to Know About the Historic Infrastructure Bill
On Friday night, the House of Representatives passed one of the most significant infrastructure bills since the creation of the interstate highway system in the 1950s. This $1.2 trillion dollar legislation was passed in the Senate almost three months ago and will soon be signed into law by President Biden. As you know, there has been endless discussion for decades about the need to rebuild our nation’s crumbling roads, bridges and water systems. Well, I’m happy to tell you that it finally happened.
Dear Fellow Vermonter: Let’s Go Forward Together
This past year has likely been the most challenging of our lifetimes — one of enormous loss, isolation, and struggle — for our families, our communities, our state and our country. In an unprecedented moment in our history it prompted the federal government to act in an unprecedented way.
THIS Is What Real Democracy Is All About
I believe that when you have a people’s budget, the people should know what’s in it. That is why I am so grateful to the over 2,000 Vermonters who joined me in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury to discuss the budget reconciliation bill and share their thoughts about the important issues facing our country. This truly is what democracy is all about. I hope everyone who attended enjoyed the great music, food, and discussion.
I’m Holding Town Meetings THIS WEEKEND
In these difficult times, let’s enjoy an afternoon together celebrating our local communities with free food and live music! Join me this Labor Day Weekend for town meetings in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury. A few special guests will be speaking at the meetings:
Vermonters: Join Me THIS WEEKEND for Town Meetings Across the State
This Labor Day Weekend, I’m holding town meetings in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury. I hope you can join me to discuss the historic $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill I am currently working on. If passed, I truly believe it will be the most consequential piece of legislation for working people, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor since FDR and the New Deal of the 1930s.