Today — Join Me for a Telephone Town Hall — 5:00 P.M.
I am holding a telephone town hall tonight with Governor Scott, Sen. Leahy, and Rep. Welch to discuss what’s being done on the state and federal level to combat this pandemic, and the necessary next steps to ensure we are helping Vermonters throughout this crisis.
Vermonters: Join Me for a Telephone Town Hall — Thursday, 5:00 PM
Vermonters — please join me for a telephone town hall on the coronavirus this Thursday at 5 P.M. I will be joined by Governor Phil Scott and my fellow members of the Vermont delegation, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Rep. Peter Welch.
COVID-19 Direct Payment Relief: What You Need to Know
The federal relief package that was passed last week is the largest in American history. As I’ve said before, I am proud that much needed relief is going to the working families of this country who are currently suffering due to this crisis. A major accomplishment of this law, while not enough, is the direct aid to individuals in the form of cash payments. To be clear, we must do more and I am continuing to fight in Washington to ensure that benefits are quickly made available to help the American people throughout this crisis.
Coronavirus Relief Law: What You Need to Know
The federal stimulus package goes a long way in providing relief to the working families of this country who are struggling during this unprecedented economic crisis. Let me be clear: this is not the bill I would have written. But, I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues to prioritize workers and small businesses over billionaires and massive corporations. This new law provides a critical investment in our health care system, with a focus on providers and patients. It gives direct aid to states, many of which have already implemented strong measures to help their residents through this difficult time. And, importantly, it provides direct aid to individuals who are suffering. There is a lot more to be done and I’m not finished fighting for you.
Message to Vermonters on the Coronavirus
First and foremost, as we face a national emergency, I want all Vermonters to know that my office is here to help. Please do not hesitate to be in touch if we can be of assistance on our website or by phone: 802-862-0697 or 1-800-339-9834. Please know that our call volume may be higher than normal and you may have to leave a message during business hours. My staff will be checking messages regularly and will call you back as soon as possible.
Join Senator Sanders’ Staff in Brattleboro
To my mind, one of the most important jobs of being a U.S. Senator is ensuring Vermonters are treated with respect and receive the assistance they need when dealing with federal agencies. If you are having trouble resolving a problem with a federal agency or program, my Senate office may be able to help. My staff will be at SEVCA’s Housing Resource Center on March 4th, 12:30-1:30, to meet with constituents.